Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Adobe Photoshop CS4

A glimpse at a glorious bridge


"I never understood humor."

An Eager Boy

This boy was off to school, and stopped me in the street. He got really close to my face and with a high pitched screech yells, "take MY picture!" I captured him close up because that is how he interacted with me.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

DUMBO the elephant

Not quite flying, but close enough.

Summertime Clothes

Hiding from the hot sun, she sits.

Soak my head in the sink for a while
Chills on my neck and it makes me smile but
My bones have to move and my skin's gotta breathe

Where do the Children Play?

For such a young kid, he's very deep in thought.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Man Who Waits

I saw this man on Staten Island, he was waiting, I'm not sure for what or whom. The light was hitting him perfectly and he was so still and calm.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Child's Game

When I was in Washington Square Park, I saw these children playing with this big green ball and was immediately drawn to their bright colored clothes and their playful laughs. The kids are all quick and so I used that add some movement to the photo. In the city, there isn't much space for running around and it is nice to see beautiful parks with beautiful children. This picture is what comes to mind when thinking about my morning at the park in the new york sun.